Saturday, 11 August 2012


The Concept: A Compilation CD featuring alternative music from Christchurch, one where the bands market the music and reap the rewards. A sort of ground-roots musical cooperative, where we have local bands working together to market their talent.    

What’s it going to be called?:  ‘They Crawled from The Rubble’  

What do you means by ‘alternative’?:  This CD will offer an avenue for artists who wouldn’t normally get a look-in in the commercial world. I welcome bedroom, dodgy garage recordings, taboo subject matter etc. It just has to be ‘interesting’ and provocative. Google: ‘Natures Worst’ and you’ll get the gist. Kindly: for Christ’s sake no rap, middle of the road cobblers or death metal.

So how do I get on this CD?: You send me the MP3 to whenpa at gmail. If I and my elite team of musso’s don’t like it, please don’t take it personally. I have had CHART Disc turn-down my own music. It's part of the scene. Send us something else that may pass muster.   

What am I signing up for?:  The last thing I want to do is commit my own money to a CD, then be left to marketing it and having a 100 CD’s left in my study to get rid of, when I only have so many relatives to give-to at Christmas into that sort of shit. Remember this is a cooperative effort – not just ‘my baby’. By submitting a MP3 you acknowledge you will commit to purchasing a minimum of 10 CD’s. That’s loosely $75 to $100 (the exact amount will vary depending on the number of artists, standard of packaging etc) Note: I will need this money up front to get the CD’s printed. 

What’s in it for me?: (a.) You get something ‘out there in the market’. Band ‘A’ may sell their CD to Punter ‘X’ who thinks “boy I like that song by Band B” and come to your next gig or buy other stuff you have floating around. We feed off each other talents or lack of them! (b.) You get a CD at wholesale rates to sell for what-ever you can get. You can order as many as you like as long as you pay for them in advance (c.) This is a ‘no brainer’: the whole thing about playing in a band is playing to, building an audience.    

Will it be on Bandcamp?: No, but it will be in our two remaining record shops.   

What is in it for you?: Not a cent, the knowledge I assisted local musicians, bought a smile to a few dials, is enough for me. Plus it's the only way I can get my own band 'out there'.   

Who the hell are you?: Paul Gilbert from WhEn PEts ATtacK!  

When will it come-out?: Roughly March 2013. Good things take a bit of time, it’s not going to be easy bringing this altogether. Don’t sweat it if it takes longer. Delays will not be down to me, rather artist apathy.  

Oh yeah: There will be an album launch gig, where we’ll have as many bands as possible playing a short set of stuff including their mega-hit off the album.

Who is going to promote this?:  You! Spread the word! Tell othere about this grand co-operative project  

Got a Question?: Then why not place it in the comments section below? Other artists may have a similar query. Please no anonymous comments. Tell us who you are.