Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Mekanik Kommando

There’s a comment below the video for this on You Tube for ‘Stop and Play’ (1982) that states succinctly my own thoughts about this era of music. 

“Pull the fuck up and DROP ME OFF somewhere between "1979- 1983" and DO NOT fucking EVER ALLOW ME to LEAVE!!!...” 

The Dutch bands Mekanik Kommando original lifespan was 1980-88, but they recently reappeared a few years ago with some new material, even a myspace site. MK have been loosely dubbed a New Wave band in the music press, but they certainly have a ‘harder’ industrial sound to the stuff I’ve heard & couldn’t be say compared to Devo or Brit Synth acts. New Wave is such a broad term akin to placing all the global religions under the same banner. I prefer this bands early darker, more experimental stuff. Heaps more on You Tube. Well, well worth an ear-wig, so let me leave you with this one for example.