Monday, 21 November 2011


I was driving through town, what's left of it, on this beautiful Christchurch day listening to The Buzzcocks (below) as one naturally does, when upon hearing 'Love Battery' I got thinking about all the other sexist songs in my record collection. At least the ones I could remember strictly off the top of my head, dredging the memory banks for two minutes.

So here they are, some oldies but goodies. 

More suggestions welcome in comments (no rap crap)  

Monday, 7 November 2011

Re-live the ‘Old’ Christchurch in Music Videos

The centre of Christchurch is officially munted – still a red zone – an on going demolition site.

The scale of the earthquakes destruction is too much for the human mind to comprehend, with entire blocks of buildings now reduced to an empty plot, landmarks gone.

Re-calling what was where is mostly now left to old photos and videos.

So as a novel memoriam I gathered-up some random music-videos featuring Christchurch in her former glory as the background.

Try not to get all goose-bumpy.  

I’m open to other suggestions.   

I've added this one for effect..........

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Surely Kiwi’s who down-load Lady GaGa should lose a limb?

The Recording Industry of N.Z has issued ISP Orcon the first infringement notices for illegal downloads. The notices, seventy-five in total, specifically target the heinous crime of down-loading the latest abominations by Lady GaGa and Rihanna. Regrettably The Copyright Tribunal has the right to only fine convicted copyright infringers a paltry $15,000. $15K is totally out of whack for a crime of this nature and an insult to public decency. I ask you does the punishment meet the crime? Surely just listening to Rihanna is a prisonable offence in itself, the purchase of a Lady GaGa album enough to justify the amputation of a limb? Frankly the current copywrite law is toothless unless we can see public executions by guillotine for those that flout musical decency and commit three offences (a.k.a Crimes against Humanity) in respect to Lady GaGa, Rihanna and their ilk? Say buying a DVD and 'Best Of' collection. I’m sure The Conservative Party has this as one of their ‘non negotiable’ polices.